This is what we offer with the plan


Pay only once


Cover for wide range of loan


Single / Joint / Proportionate Life Cover option


Plan provides Level and Reducing Death Benefit option


Insurance cover during moratorium period


Tax benefits under relevant sections as per prevailing tax laws

Death benefit

The amount of death benefit payable depends on the Death Benefit option and Cover Option chosen by the insured member at inception.

Maturity benefit

There is no maturity benefit under this plan.


Surrender option is available for the Master Policyholder as well as for insured members of the scheme.

The life cover for every individual insured member acquires Surrender Value immediately on policy commencement. The insured member can surrender the policy anytime during the entire cover term.

Master policy holder may surrender the policy at any time by giving written notice at least three months or of such period as mutually agreed between the master policyholder and us. In this event the insurer shall not accept any new members. If the Master Policyholder surrenders the policy, an option to continue the cover or surrender is given to the insured members of the scheme.

Tax benefits

Tax benefits may be available on premiums paid and benefit receivable as per prevailing Income Tax Laws.


Download the documents below to learn more about the Group Credit Shield Plan II.

Plan Brochure Sample Policy Document

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