This is what we offer with the plan


Provide Financial security at nominal cost


One Year Renewable Term (OYRT) & Single Premium


Plan provides Level and Reducing Death Benefit option

Joint life Option available for the Second Life

Tax benefits under relevant sections as per prevailing tax laws.

Death benefit

The amount of death benefit payable depends on the Death Benefit option and Cover Option chosen by the insured member at inception.

Maturity benefit

There is no maturity benefit under this plan.


This is a pure protection plan option and therefore does not acquire any surrender value. However, a Refund value shall be payable for Single Premium contracts with Cover Term of higher than 24 months.

Tax benefits

Tax benefits may be available on premiums paid and benefit receivable as per prevailing Income Tax Laws.


Download the documents below to learn more about the Group microsurance plan II.

Plan Brochure Sample Policy Document

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